The Mormon Church

Multi Media Study Page

Are you curious about the Mormon church, the doctrines of the Mormon church and how they compare to Christianity?

Find out why Joseph Smith's teaching don't match the teachings of Jesus. Find out why there is no archaeological evidence to support the claims of Mormonism. Learn about the Book of Mormon, Mormon and Masonic rituals, Mormon baptism, Mormon underwear, Mormon temples displaying Satanic symbols, polygamy, adultery and blood atonement among members.

Jesus Christ vs. Joseph Smith

Reveals LDS Secret Church Documents

DNA vs The Book of Mormon

DNA Proves Mormonism is False

Banned Mormon Cartoon

Mormon False Doctrines Expose

Important Video Links on Mormonism

Video, Audio and Web Links

Is Mormonism Christian? Video link to Matt Slick of explains why Mormonism is not Christian due to its rejection of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith and the authority of the Bible.

The Mormon Religion Video link to an overview of the Mormon Religion

Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith was a FreeMason Video link to a historical overview of Joseph Smiths and the Mormon religions Masonic roots.

Thousands of Changes to The Book of Mormon Article Link to evidence that LDS Leaders Have Made Thousands of Changes to Mormon Scriptures — Why?

Joseph Smith & Mormon's Black Theology Video link to LDS historical writings that exposes how Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon referred to African Americans as "N-word"

Mormons and Blacks are Cursed - False Teaching Exposed Video link to A Mormon Explaining How Blacks are Cursed

Jesus Mormon? Or Another Jesus? Mormons Preach A Different Jesus Christ.

Prophet Joseph Smith Fails the test Video link - Historical records records the failed prophecies of Joseph Smith

How to talk to Mormon Missionaries Video link describing some of the questions you can ask Mormon missionaries. It is always important to be respectful, I have seen many people talk to Mormons in a very disrespectful and prideful manner which is not Christian behavior.

Mormon Ceremonies & Rituals Exposed Video link to pre-1990 mormon cult temple rituals.

The Holy Bible vs. The Book of Mormon Video link - detailed comparison and validation process for both the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon

Mormon Masonic Temple RitualsVideo link to strange Mormon/Masonic rituals, ceremonies and blood oaths

Mormon Blood Atonement, Mormons state that the blood of Christ is not sufficient and claim certain sins require blood sacrifice from humans resulting in throat cutting murder.

LDS Book of Mormon is Racist Racism against black skinned people found - Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi 12:23, 2 Nephi 5:21-24, Jacob 3:8

Over 3900 changes to the Book of Mormon Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon was more correct than the Bible."I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book," (History of the Church, vol. 4, p. 461).

Mormon Underwear - Temple Garments Article link detailing Masonic and Occult markings on Mormon Temple garments.

LDS Temple Ceremonies Article link detailing Masonic and Occult origins in LDS Temple Ceremonies.

Mormon Temples Displaying Satanic Symbols Salt Lake Temple and the Nauvoo Temple, as well as many other Mormon temples not mentioned in this article, are decorated with pagan symbols of the Occult.

Joseph Smith, A False Prophet.

How to deal biblically with false prophets

  • 1 Judge their doctrine and identify them (not their heart or motive but their doctrine) - John 7:24

  • 2 Try them to see if their teaching matches the Bible - Revelation Chapter 2

  • 3 Mark them and avoid them - Romans Chapter 16:17

  • 4 Rebuke them sharply - Titus 1:13

  • 5 Have no fellowship with false apostles teaching false doctrine - Ephesians 5:11

  • 6 Withdraw from them - II Thessalonians 3:6, 3:14-15, II Timothy 3:5-7

  • 7 Don't receive them into your house including tracts, magazines, books, DVD's or TV - II John 1:10-11

  • 8 Reject them as Heretics after second admonition - Titus 3:10-11

  • 9 Public Rebuke - Galatians 2:11-14, II Timothy 4:10, I Timothy 1:18-20, II Timothy 2:15-18, III John 9

Ex-Mormon Support Groups & Links

Ex-Mormons for JesusEx-Mormons for Jesus is a non-profit Christian evangelistic and teaching fellowship. We are not supported by, or affiliated with any particular denomination, and extend the "hand of fellowship" to all members of the Body of Christ who wish to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the Mormon people.

I am investigating the Mormon church, and am confused. Article link

Ex-Mormon Forums Forum Link

I am a Mormon and I'm questioning my faith. Questionairre link

I want to know if Mormons are Christians? Article link

What is a Christian and how do I become one? Article link

I am a Mormon and I stand by my faith! Questionairre link

The Gospel According to Mormonism Article link

Joseph Smith's False Prophecies Article link