United Pentecostal Church

UPCI - United Pentecostal Church International

Oneness Pentecostals, Oneness Apostolics, Jesus Only, United Pentecostals, UPC, UPCI

Classification: Western Pseudo Christian Exclusivists

Type: Performance and fear-based religious system

False Doctrine: Denial of the Trinity, Jesus-only baptism for salvation, speaking in tongues as required evidence of Holy Spirit indwelling, requirement of external standards of "Holiness" as misinterpreted by the group. No salvation outside of the group doctrine.

Recommended Viewing

Oneness Vs Trinity

United Pentecostal vs Baptist Theology

Walter Martin & Calvin Beisner Vs Nathanial Urshan & Robert Sabin

UPC Standards - Women & Pants

United Pentecostal Holiness Standards

False Doctrine on Clothing

UPC Standards - Women's Hair

United Pentecostal Holiness Standards

False Doctrine on Hair

Recommended Reading

A History of Salvation in Oneness Pentecostalism

Thomas A. Fudge